Don't miss a riding day for flu season!

Cold and flu season is upon us, and it's soon to be sniffle season for horses too.  While vaccinating your oily pony (and flu shots for your family) are not to be scoffed at, it's a good idea to add some essential oils to your seasonal routine, too!

Don't miss out on a riding day this flu season! Instead try these tricks to keep your oily pony's and your own immune system at peak capacity, and fight off germs before they take hold.

Did you know that oregano and thyme have been part of major university studies for their effectiveness in keeping a variety of livestock healthy and disease free? They shaped up as being as good or better than conventional preventative antibiotics - and without the risks of germ resistance!

For your oily pony:

In a small spray bottle, combine 2 oz carrier oil (any veggie oil; fractionated coconut oil is recommended) with the following oils, and spray on his spine or on his throat daily:
10 drops Oregano
10 drops Thyme
5 drops Cinnamon
5 drops Spearmint
5 drops Clove
5 drops Frankincense

Add daily to his grain or pelleted feed:
5 drops Frankincense
2 drops Cinnamon
2 drops Clove
2 drops Oregano
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Protective blend

For yourself:

Take orally, daily, 2 drops Protective blend (in a drink or in a capsule)

Use a drop of Protective blend or Detoxification blend or Lemon on your hands after being in public places.  Put a few drops on a tissue to treat grocery cart handles and other toxic surfaces.

If you don't already take vitamins and detoxifying supplements, consider adding them to your daily health routine.


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